A Lifetime of Love

This month my husband and I visited a dear friend that lost his wife a couple of months ago. They met in high school when he was 16 years old and within 2 months he knew that she was “the one.” They were married for 66 years.


What would I write about sex?

Recently I read a great book on marriage by a well respected author and of course there was a chapter on sex buried near the end of the book. Since I have been teaching women about sex, I have this habit of filtering whatever I read thru the lens of what a Christian wife would hear.

What I remember from the sex chapters in most Christian books is 2 things…


Sex in Marriage gets Sweeter and Sweeter

When I got married, I didn’t know that sex with my husband would be so much better after 28 years of marriage than it was at 2 years of marriage – but it is. Sex just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. But it hasn’t always been this way.


Glued Together Podcast Part 2

Podcast with Delight Your Marriage

The 2nd half of my podcast with Belah Rose at Delight Your Marriage is live!  Belah and I talk about what it means to let our husband lead while we are on our own journey – and to be glued together through it. Thanks for checking it out! If you missed Part 1 of Belah and my discussion then listen in sometime!


Freedom to Live

This weekend I watched the movie, “The Giver,” with my family. I could not help but relate what is portrayed in this Utopian society to what happens in our individual lives.

give bicycle

The Giver

The story takes place in a society run by a group of elders.  In order to prevent wars, crimes of passion, or even struggle, everything has been sterilized and made the same. People wear the same white outfits, ride identical bicycles and live in identical houses to prevent jealousy. Children attend the same school, and at a predetermined age, the elders determine their future role in society based on their strengths. Elders arrange marriages to ensure a sound family unit to raise children.  People work together for the good of society and food, housing, health care and jobs are provided for everyone. People are polite, there is no jealousy, no arguing, and no violence. All is peaceful.

But what looks like an ideal society – turns out to be not so ideal.


“Why Only ONE?”

The question came from a husband that was honest enough to admit purity was a struggle but

desired to honor and love his wife by arming for the battle.

The world tells us that you can have sex with as many people as you want and it doesn’t matter. Sex is just a physical pleasure that is to be consumed until it loses excitement and then you move on to the next conquest. If you do get married, then looking at others or using them in your mind to provide arousal is no big deal.  And pornography tells us if sex with one person doesn’t do it for you, then why not try a threesome? You can find articles detailing ground rules and ideas on how to find the third party. And if a threesome… why not a foursome, fivesome – or a free for all. All messages that convey, “Why Only One?”

So beyond the obvious answer of God designed marriage to be one man and one woman, “Why Only One?”


Intimacy and Sex as a Newlywed

Today’s guest post is by Sharelle Guyton who attended the women’s Awaken-Love study earlier this year. Sharelle shared thoughtful insights during the study and we are excited for you to read her thoughts about being a newlywed.

As a newlywed, I felt myself sort of fumbling through the principle of frequency. We are instructed to model intimacy with our husbands based on our intimacy with God. This includes our frequency of intimacy. But while single, the goal is to stray away from acting on your desires. When those two experiences collide, it feels a little confusing at first.

My husband and I are both finding that we are going through an adjustment period as it relates to frequency. I think the best way to think about sex as a newlywed is with an open mind and heart. Making a clean slate to rebuild and redefine sex based on the Word of God and the unique interaction of you and your husband. I pondered on what could be a practical method of improving this area of our intimacy.

Here the quick tips to heighten frequency awareness.

First, Reminding myself of the importance of frequency because it models my intimate relationship with God. For example, the days I miss my prayer and study time, I am not as clear and grounded. I also feel less connected and more distracted by the world.

Second, I track the days my husband and I are intimate. For some wives this might seem like an annoyance or anxiety provoking. For me, it is an opportunity to see the truth.

Why did I start doing this?

We couldn’t remember when we were having sex but we wanted to know how often it was happening in a month. I figured the best way to get to the bottom of this mystery was document it.

By tracking the dates on my feminine phone app calendar (Pink Pad), what I realized is that we were  having sex way more often we realized! Two to three times a week but why did it feel like it was only happening twice a month!

Here’s what I learned by tracking our intimacy.

On average, how long it takes before we start feeling disconnected from one another without sex is much shorter than we assumed. Also, tracking keeps us accountable in prioritizing sex. I am also naturally a very competitive person and that works in my favor sometimes when I look at the calendar and want to increase frequency from the previous week!

If you find yourself forgetting the last time you were intimate with your husband or not sure how often sex is happening, try tracking it and see if it surprises you.

Happy Exploring!

-Sharelle Guyton

Time to Revive

revivere·vive – verb
 1. restore to life or consciousness
2. to give new strength or energy to
3. to regain life, consciousness, or strength
The last couple of days I have stepped completely out of my comfort zone and joined with Time to Revive in North Minneapolis to tell others about the amazing gift that God gave us when Jesus took our sins on the cross. I have prayed with complete strangers, heard their stories, and walked them through the gospel message. It  has been both terrifying and exhillarating, but it is leading to new life in both the people I encounter, but also in me. As I step out and become more dependent on God, it is changing me and I am able to love others better.
We also need to revive our marriages. I don’t think it is a one time deal. It is a constant, intentional decision that we make. We need to restore our marriages to life, give them new strength and energy and regain life.   If we do not constantly revive our marriage, this world will erode it.
One of the training sessions I thought was especially applicable to marriage…
1. LOVE – Before we approach our husbands, we need to make sure that we are coming to them out of an attitude of love. If we are coming to them with an attitude of judgement, they will not hear us, they will shut down or put up walls. When we put ourselves aside and approach with an attitude of compassion and humility, our husbands will  open up. I have wives tell me all the time that they just wish their husbands would share more. The first step is to take a look at ourselves to see if we are judging them or  loving them exactly as they are.
2. LISTEN –  We need to speak less and listen more.  Don’t just listen to their words,  listen beyond the words and try to hear their heart. Ask questions, ask about what interests them, get excited about what excites them. You may have to get rid of the distractions – tv, phones, and computers. Sometimes for men, talking side by side while enjoying an activity or project together, can feel more natural. Make it your life’s passion to know your spouse.
3. DISCERN – There is no other way to do this than with the Holy Spirit. Filter and measure everything through God’s word and what He is speaking to you. Discern when to speak, when to serve, when to lay down, when to  touch, when to ask, when to wait, when to pray. In all that you do, filter it through the Holy Spirit.
4. RESPOND –  How can you love your husband better? What can you do that will make a difference in their life?  How can you serve them? What can you change that will make a difference in your relationship? How can you encourage them? What can you pray?
Doesn’t exactly sound easy, does it?
That’s why we need God. Rely on Him for everything. Your worth is in Him. You are a beloved daughter of the King. You are His Bride.