Oral Sex for Your Wife at The Edge of the Bed

Edge of the Bed is a great oral sex position for your wife and will provide a great view for you. The position provides great access to all areas of her body without putting a crick in your neck. While your mouth and tongue work their magic, take advantage or using your hands. You can explore her breasts, stroke her thighs, or even engage her G-Spot. Change things up and check out a new way to treat your wife.

The Plan

On a night that she feels confident enough to let you treat her, warm the room and set up soft lighting in anticipation of a great view. Warm her up through gentle touching, kissing and connecting with her eye to eye. Cover her body and let her know that you’re in charge and you’ve got a treat for her.

As she lays on her back, gently slide her towards the edge of the bed until her butt sits right at the edge. Grab some pillows for under your knees and make yourself comfortable. She can support her feet on the side board of the bed, rest them on you,  or pull up her knees. Don’t forget my guide on oral sex , for more details and ideas. Take your time. Don’t forget to balance movement with stillness to allow her body to awaken and ache. As she engages more, you engage more. Stay in tune to where she is, and every once in a while, enjoy the view. Try using the Edge of the Bed.


Sliding Down – Nurturing Your Husband With Oral Sex

Sliding Down is a great position to treat your husband to oral sex. While both of you relax, you can nurture him and create an amazing show.

Getting Into Position

With both of you lying face to face on your sides, start working your way down his body.  Kiss his neck, his chest, his navel and slowly slide down until you have access to everything you want. Prop your head up with a pillow and enjoy this relaxing position to nurture your man.

While he enjoys the view, his hands can run through your hair or over your breasts. Curling your body around his legs creates lots of skin to skin contact. One hand can firmly pull down his penis to present the full show while the other embraces his legs or testicles. You can maintain control and decide when you want to take him over the edge. Encourage him to just relax and when you’re ready add your hand to the mix and let him really feel you. Or with established trust and comfort, you can encourage him to let loose to drive to the finish line while you lay back and feel his strength and pleasure.

Don’t miss this great position that contrasts total relaxation with full on stimulation.